The Last Alchemist
KUUMAA NYT: Gamescom 2022 -sisältö

The Last Alchemist kertoo oman versionsa modernin tieteen synnystä

Vile Monarch haluaa kertoa kunnianhimoisen tarinan.

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* Pakollinen tieto

Simulaatiopelejä on tarjolla jos jonkinlaisia, mutta harvalla on yhtä kunnianhimoinen tausta kuin The Last Alchemistilla, joka päätyy Early Access -vaiheeseen Steamissa ensi vuoden alussa. Gamescomissa Gamereactor pääsi haastattelemaan kehittäjä Vile Monarchin ohjaaja William Besnardia.

Tavoitteena on hauska seikkailu, joka kertoo tieteen noususta.

"During the period of the Thirty Years' War in Europe, alchemists began to be persecuted by the religious powers and kings of the time, and their practices and advancements put in danger. The player's goal will be to carry out those practices in a safe place and bring alchemy (as it becomes science) back to its glory".

Pelaaja puuhailee Sveitsissä kartanossa, jossa on muinainen observatorio, ja samalla nikkaroidaan kaikenlaisia koneita.

"The way we've treated alchemy and puzzles in the game is that all objects are made up of essences, which are like Tetris pieces that connect to each other, and with these pieces you can split them up or recombine them to create new ones to get new effects based on their type. You can create very harmful effects, but also very beneficial effects for other creatures and a lot of effects like accelerated growth and explosions. There's a lot to do."

The Last Alchemist

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